We are live!

We are live!

If you are reading this page, it means that we are, in fact, live with the website!

So, hello there, kindred! The blog will be a source of miscellaneous ramblings and news, introduction of our crew and some silliness to lighten up all the gloom and darkness (that tends to come with unlife).

Don’t worry if you miss some blog entries here and there. Even if we present or discuss some actually useful information here, everything of that sort will be included in the website proper as well.

We have quite a crew, and a work load nothing short of epic in front of us. I am sure any crew from previous European Championships know what is ahead of us. We salute you for your hard work.

And I hope you will wish us all the best in our ordeal to present to you the best event, best games, best venue and the best atmosphere we can possibly offer.

The launch of the site is only the first step. We hope to see you soon, for more news and info.

In the mean time, keep on bleeding!
