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Want lists


  • Mbare Market, Harare 1-2 kpl
  • Swallowed by the night (LotN)
  • Mr. Winthrop (HttB)
  • Wise spider 1-2 kpl
  • Ivory Bow (KoT) 2 kpl


  1. Mythic form 8-10
  2. Redeem the Lost Soul 2-3
  3. Heart of the City 4
  4. Preternatural Strenght 2
  5. Well-Marked 8


  • *Pyyrit * 3x Muricia * 3x Effie lowery * 1x Stick * 2x Delilah monroe * 2x Muse * 2x Gael pilet * 3x Yseult * 2x Angela preston * 1x Dolphin black * 1x Jackie * 4x Lucita * 4x Lucita adv * 2x Conrad adoula * 2x Ermenegildo the rake * 1x Lord vauxhall * 1x Lucy markowitz * 1x Andrew emory * 1x Onaedo * 1x Dame hollerton * 1x Dedefra * 1x Allonzo montoya * 1x Agi Library**
  • 9x Skin of the adder
  • 6x Swiftness of the stag
  • 1x Ears of the hare
  • 4x Speak with spirits
  • 4x Shell game
  • 6x Walk of caine
  • 6x Unwholesome bond
  • 7x Serpentis
  • 10x Shattering Crescendo
trades.1578934529.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/13 16:55 by snipetislips
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