Want lists


  • Carrion Coffin 4kpl
  • Ashur Tablets (KoT)
  • Enkil Cog (KoT)
  • Mind Rape (KoT)
  • Siren's Lure
  • Twilight Camp
  • Touch of Clarity
  • The Spawning Pool (VTES)
  • I am legion 2-4kpl
  • Mind Numb (NB)


  1. Mythic form 8-10
  2. Redeem the Lost Soul 2-3
  3. Heart of the City 4
  4. Preternatural Strenght 2
  5. Well-Marked 8
  6. Masochism 4


  • Skidmark


  • Entrancement (Vtes)
  • Hide the Mind

Juha L Haussa:

  • 1x fae contortion
  • 4x roundhouse
  • 1x stone dog
  • 4x brick by brick
  • 1-3x magic of the smith
  • 1x Karl Schrekt
  • 4+ as the crow


  • 1x Black Forest Base
  • 7x Claiming the Body


  • 1x Oluwafunmilayo ropeconiin
trades.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/18 11:08 by balthrus
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