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main [2017/07/28 10:49] oravamain [2024/10/23 09:19] (current) – [Past Ropecon tournaments] orava
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 This site contains information about VTES games in Finland, concentrating on the general Helsinki area. This site contains information about VTES games in Finland, concentrating on the general Helsinki area.
-  * [[weeklygames|Helsinki weekly games]]: weekly games in Kaisla (Helsinki)+  * [[weeklygames|Helsinki weekly games]]: weekly games in Kaisla / Woolshed (Helsinki)
-  * [[trades|Trade lists]]: trade list links from some local players +====== Past Ropecon tournaments ======
-  * [[decks|Deck lists]]: some random decks from tournament winners/finalists +
-  * [[http://www.orava.org/mailman/listinfo/jyhad|Mailing list]]: local game discussion, in Finnish+
-====== Ropecon 2017 ======+  * [[https://www.vekn.net/forum/event-reports-and-twd/81648-twd-report-ropecon-2024-finnish-grand-prix-july-20th-2024|Ropecon 2024 (Grand Prix)]], **54 players** 
 +  * [[https://www.vekn.net/forum/event-reports-and-twd/80900-twd-and-report-ropecon-2023-helsinki-finland-july-29th|Ropecon 2023]], **47 players** 
 +  * Ropecon 2019 (Grand Prix), **55 players** 
 +  * [[http://www.vekn.net/forum/event-reports-and-twd/76979-report-twd-ropecon-2018-finnish-grand-prix|Ropecon 2018 (Grand Prix)]], **49 players** 
 +  * [[http://www.vekn.net/forum/event-reports-and-twd/76120-event-report-twd-ropecon-2017-finnish-ecq|Ropecon 2017]], **37 players** 
 +  * [[http://www.vekn.net/forum/event-reports-and-twd/75229-twd-and-report-ropecon-2016-finnish-ecq-july-29th-helsinki-finland|Ropecon 2016]], **42 players** 
 +  * [[http://www.vekn.net/forum/9-event-reports-and-twd/71860-twd--report-ropecon-2015-finnish-ecq-may-15th|Ropecon 2015]], **47 players** 
 +  * [[http://www.vekn.net/forum/9-event-reports-and-twd/65485-twd--report-ropecon-2014-finnish-ecq|Ropecon 2014]], **52 players** 
 +  * [[http://www.vekn.net/forum/9-event-reports-and-twd/53716-twd--report-ropecon-2013-finnish-ecq-july-26th-2013|Ropecon 2013]], **72 players** 
 +  * [[http://www.vekn.net/index.php/forum/9-event-reports-and-twd/35783-twd--report-finnish-ecq-ropecon-2012|Ropecon 2012]], **71 players** 
 +  * [[tournament:ropecon2011|Ropecon 2011 Finnish ECQ]], **90 players** 
 +  * [[tournament:ropecon2010|Ropecon 2010 Finnish ECQ]], **93 players** 
 +  * [[tournament:ropecon2009|Ropecon 2009 Finnish ECQ tournament]], **85 players** 
 +  * [[tournament:ropecon2008|Ropecon 2008 ECQ]], **83 players**
-On **Friday 28th July** we'll once again run the big tournament at the [[https://2017.ropecon.fi/eng/|Ropecon gaming convention]] in Messukeskus, Helsinki. No tournament fee as such, but everyone needs to have a Ropecon convention ticket. Standard constructed tournament (no proxies!), three 2-hour rounds plus final round. The tournament is also the Finnish European Championship Qualifier for this year. Everyone is very welcome, regardless of play experience :) 
-Proxies are not allowed in the tournament. However, all cards from the PDF sets are legal, as usual. 
-We start at 18:00, and registration on site opens around 16:00. **Registration closes at 17:30, please be there on time!**. As traditional, this is a very-late-at-night tournament, with the finals being played in the early morning hours. Caffeine is your friend! Because we are on a tight schedule, there are no breaks -- go grab some food etc when you're ousted, if you have time. :) 
-An alternative to registering on site is pre-registering, either by emailing me (orava@iki.fi) or by marking your attendance in the Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/events/106215853315043/). I will try to keep this list synchronized with the Facebook one, but there will be some lag now and then.  
-If you have pre-registered (i.e. your name is on this list and/or on the Facebook event), you do not have to register on site, it is enough to be there by 18:00 latest. You can tick off your name on the pre-reg list when you get there to confirm that you're actually present, but that's not absolutely necessary. 
-If you find out you cannot make it after you have pre-registered, **please** let me know. Also, if it looks like you'll be arriving on site a bit late, please tell me (if it's a last-minute thing, SMS 044 5754100 or Facebook PM is probably the best option). 
-**I'M NOW HEADING TOWARDS THE CON**. From this point onwards, if you want to pre-register please do so by posting in the Facebook group (see above) or SMS:in me (see above for phone number). After 16:00 I'd prefer if you just register normally on site, if possible. 
-**Current pre-registration list, (F) = from Facebook event** 
-  - Janne Lönnqvist (F) 
-  - Otso Saariluoma (F) 
-  - Tiago Brum (F) 
-  - Mikko Hyvärinen (F) 
-  - Peetu Makkonen (F) 
-  - Teemu Pulkkinen (F) 
-  - Marko Lindroos (F) 
-  - Niina Lindroos (F) 
-  - Tero Aalto (F) 
-  - Jussi Hattara (F) 
-  - Tom Lindberg (F) 
-  - Teemu Sainomaa (F) 
-  - Aapo Järvelin 
-  - Karri Malm (F) 
-  - Tommi Hakomaa (F) 
-  - Jani Malmi (F) 
-  - Jyri Puhakka (F) 
-  - Kalle Blomgren (F) 
-  - Akseli Jalava (F) 
-  - Katja Jauhiainen (F) 
-  - Kim Nilsson (F) 
-  - Lasse Pöyry (F) 
-  - Henrik Klippström (F) 
-  - Juha Laukkanen (F) 
-  - Petro Hirvonen (F) 
-  - Timo Rekola 
-  - Anssi Rekola 
-  - Jaakko Nurro 
-  - Tuomas Vuokko 
-  - Jukka Pasanen (F) 
-  - Sebastian Schiavone (F) 
-====== Misc ====== 
-Moved [[anthology sets|list of Anthology Set requests]] to separate page. 
-====== Upcoming local tournaments ====== 
-See the [[weeklygames|weekly games page]]. 
-====== Past tournaments ====== 
-Links to some selected local tournament reports, see the VEKN forums and calendar for full lists. 
-===== 2016 ===== 
-  * 29.07. [[http://www.vekn.net/forum/event-reports-and-twd/75229-twd-and-report-ropecon-2016-finnish-ecq-july-29th-helsinki-finland|Ropecon 2016]], **42 players** 
-===== 2015 ===== 
-  * 15.05. [[http://www.vekn.net/forum/9-event-reports-and-twd/71860-twd--report-ropecon-2015-finnish-ecq-may-15th|Ropecon 2015]], **47 players** 
-===== 2014 ===== 
-  * 25.07. [[http://www.vekn.net/forum/9-event-reports-and-twd/65485-twd--report-ropecon-2014-finnish-ecq|Ropecon 2014]], **52 players** 
-===== 2013 ===== 
-  * 26.07. [[http://www.vekn.net/forum/9-event-reports-and-twd/53716-twd--report-ropecon-2013-finnish-ecq-july-26th-2013|Ropecon 2013]], **72 players** 
-===== 2012 ===== 
-  * 27.09. [[http://www.vekn.net/index.php/forum/9-event-reports-and-twd/35783-twd--report-finnish-ecq-ropecon-2012|Ropecon 2012]], **71 players** 
-  * 29.04. [[http://www.vekn.net/index.php/forum/9-event-reports-and-twd/31253-twd-fee-stake-helsinki-iv-finland-april-29th-2012|Fee Stake Helsinki IV]], **20 players**  
-===== 2011 ===== 
-  * 29.7. [[tournament:ropecon2011|Ropecon 2011 Finnish ECQ]], **90 players** 
-  * 3.7. [[tournament:feestake helsinki 2|Fee Stake Helsinki II]] 
-  * 26.2. [[tournament:feestake helsinki 1|Fee Stake Helsinki I]], **19 players** 
-===== 2010 ===== 
-  * 23.7. [[tournament:ropecon2010|Ropecon 2010 Finnish ECQ]], **93 players** 
-  * 19.6. [[tournament:battle lines espoo|Battle Lines Espoo storyline]], **16 players** 
-  * 16.3. [[tournament:miniqualifier2010|EC "Espoo" Miniqualifier]], **17 players** 
-  * 6.1. [[tournament:heirs to the blood|Heirs to the Blood release, Espoo]], **19 players** 
-===== 2009 ===== 
-  * 20.12. [[tournament:edenstoryline|Eden's Legacy storyline Helsinki]], **21 players** 
-  * 31.7. [[tournament:ropecon2009|Ropecon 2009 Finnish ECQ tournament]], **85 players** 
-  * 9.5. [[tournament:imperator|Rise of the Imperator storyline]], **14 players** 
-===== 2008 ===== 
-  * 13.11. (started) [[tournament:anarchs and alastors|Anarchs and Alastors storyline]] 
-  * 6.9. [[tournament:miniqualifier espoo 2008|"Espoo" EC miniqualifier 2008]], **16 players** 
-  * 8.8. [[tournament:ropecon2008|Ropecon 2008 ECQ]], **83 players** 
-  * 31.5. [[tournament:twilight rebellion prerelease|Twilight Rebellion Prerelease]] **22 players** 
-===== 2007 ===== 
-  * 29.12. [[tournament:temptation of greater power 1|Temptation of Greater Power I]], **17 players** 
main.1501238976.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/28 10:49 by orava
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