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decks [2008/01/09 18:04] oravadecks [2010/08/04 12:33] (current) orava
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 ====== Decks ====== ====== Decks ======
 +===== Ropecon 2010 ECQ (7/2010) =====
-still need to move these from old pages.+  * [[deck:otso add|AD&D (Advanced Derange & Dementia)]] (Otso Saariluoma) - tournament winning deck 
 +  * [[deck:are stolishnaja|Stolishnaja]] (Are Vaskela) - finalist deck 
 +  * [[deck:ben peal kiasyd|Kiasyd]] (Ben Peal) - finalist deck 
 +  * [[deck:pasi unnamed|Unnamed]] (Pasi Karjalainen) - finalist deck 
 +  * [[deck:tuomas rape the honor|Rape the Honor]] (Tuomas Vuokko) - finalist deck
 +===== EC miniqualifier (5/2010) =====
 +  * [[deck:nana buruku sings|Nana Buruku Sings]] (Lauri Salmi) - TWD
 +===== Ropecon 2009 ECQ (7/2009) =====
 +  * [[deck:adam tutte bjuder till fest|Tutte bjuder till fest]] (Adam Esbjörnsson) - tournament winning deck
 +  * [[deck:antero ventrue at do not sleep|The !Ventrue do not sleep. They Wait.]] (Antero Leppänen)
 +  * [[deck:pauli mata hari shifts you|Mata Hari shifts you!]] (Pauli Kiova)
 +  * [[deck:antti settite enticement|Team !deflection]] (Antti Horelli)
 +  * [[deck:michael vignes deck|Michael's Vignes deck]] (by Graham Smith, played by Michael Holmström)
 ===== Temptation of Greater Power I (12/2007) ===== ===== Temptation of Greater Power I (12/2007) =====
-* [[deck:teemu power of auspex|Power of Auspex]] (Azazel / Teemu Sainomaa) +  * [[deck:teemu power of auspex|Power of Auspex]] (Teemu Sainomaa) - tournament winning deck 
-* [[deck:tuomas dominate please|Dominate Please]] (Tuomas Vuokko)+  * [[deck:tuomas dominate please|Dominate Please]] (Tuomas Vuokko) 
 +  * [[deck:orava elves are restless|The Elves Are Restless]] ([[Orava]]) 
 +  * [[deck:heikki pure tremere|Pure Tremere]] (Heikki Palomäki) 
 +  * [[deck:markol council of swedish meatballs|Council of Swedish Meatballs]] (Marko Lindroos) 
 +===== Ropecon 2008 ECQ (8/2008) ===== 
 +  * [[deck:lasse lasombra capitalists|Lasombra Capitalists]] (Lasse Pöyry) - tournament winning deck 
 +  * [[deck:kari nephandus|Nephandi Rules]] (Kari Vieno) 
 +  * [[deck:juho obf dom|Obfuscate + Dominate]] (Juho Linna) 
 +  * [[deck:juhani kill fast or die fast|Kill Fast or Die Fast]] (Juhani Puska) 
 +  * [[deck:antti loss bleed|Loss Bleed]] (Antti Tirilä) 
 +===== Miniqualifier 2008 (9/2008) =====
 +  * [[deck:teemu girls blind spot|Girls Will Find Your Blind Spot, vol2]] (Teemu Sainomaa) - tournament winning deck
decks.1199901883.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/01/09 18:04 by orava
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