
Little VTES Tournament Helper


Registration for "Ropecon 2024 Grand Prix"

Sat 20.07.2024 (11:00)

Location Messukeskus (Ropecon 2024) Deck lists required? No
Organizer Petri Wessman ( Proxies allowed? No
Registration open? No (registration closed 8 months ago)

See for general info.

Decklists are not required but they would be appreciated, and if we get enough of them they will be used to provide anonymous statistics to the VDB tournament analysis tool. To encourage this, all players who submit a decklist before the tournament begins will get a small extra “something” :)

Decklists will not in general be made public in any non-anonymized way, except that the finalists will be asked to provide decklists which will be added to the official tournament report.

Registration here is now closed, please register on site.

54 players currently registered

# Name VEKN Country
1 Teemu Sainomaa 3070069 Finland
2 Erik Wallgren 8090039 Sweden
3 Marko Saari 3070006 Finland
4 Otso Saariluoma 3530054 Finland
5 Jonas Ståhle 8090005 Sweden
6 Petrus Makkonen 9350000 Finland
7 J. Tuomas Harviainen 3530017 Finland
8 Janne Lönnqvist 3070036 Finland
9 Erik Mossberg 8090026 Sweden
10 Magnus Söder 3260015 Sweden
11 Henrik Klippström 1002480 Sweden
12 Tero Aalto 8460002 Finland
13 Paul Direktor 3340152 Austria
14 Mathias Haga 1002187 Sweden
15 Martin Weinmayer 3340035 Austria
16 Michael Holmström 3382224 Sweden
17 Robin Vossen 3600016 Netherlands
18 Antti Penttilä 3070129 Finland
19 Lauri Salmi 1003796 Finland
20 Jani Malmi 9350012 Finland
21 Lasse Pöyry 1001600 Finland
22 Ari-Pekka Alestalo 3070018 Finland
23 Lech Ivanov 5250030 Lithuania
24 Nerijus Mikalajūnas 1005069 Lithuania
25 Marius Žeimantas 2070003 Lithuania
26 Tommi Hakomaa 3530067 Finland
27 Sérgio Louçã Martins 3120101 Portugal
28 Mikko Oksman 5650002 Finland
29 Michał Krupa 8770018 Poland
30 Niina Lindroos 4970006 Finland
31 Pasi Karjalainen 1001675 Finland
32 Teemu Pulkkinen 4970005 Finland
33 Aki Puolakka 9350010 Finland
34 Sisu Pöyry 5650001 Finland
35 Alexander Roman 4441012 Poland
36 Tom Lindberg 1003838 Finland
37 Niko Vanhatalo 1003636 Finland
38 Sebastian Szuster 8710004 Poland
39 Peitsa Suominen 1004319 Finland
40 Mika Nurmikolu 3070015 Finland
41 Juha Nyholm 3870024 Finland
42 Esa-Matti Smolander 3870034 Finland
43 Mårten Cederholm 2870010 Sweden
44 Jaakko Nurro 5180002 Finland
45 Akseli Jalava 3530057 Finland
46 Jyri Puhakka 3530097 Finland
47 Nina Nilsson 8090035 Sweden
48 Juho Saari 3530006 Finland
49 Julius Kaplas 5180003 Finland
50 Bram Van Stappen 1820002 Belgium
51 Toni Manninen 9350019 Finland
52 Juhani Puska 3530055 Finland
53 Kenneth Peltokangas 3070136 Finland
54 Tomi Sillanpää 8480001 Finland
Players per country
Finland 34
Sweden 9
Poland 3
Lithuania 3
Austria 2
Belgium 1
Portugal 1
Netherlands 1